Study: 58% Of Workers ‘Check In’ During Off Hours

remote work, PYMNTS study, cafe

These days, the phrase “on the clock” doesn’t mean what it once did.

The connected world allows people to be available whenever and wherever they need to be. PYMNTS research shows 58% of people check in on work from outside the office or beyond the confines or normal working hours, while 44% work remotely from places other than their homes.

The rise of hybrid work means consumers are no longer bound to the nine-to-five workday. With no commutes and less-defined workday routines, many hybrid workers find themselves with more flexible schedules than they once did.

In addition to the 58% of people who check in on work during their off hours, 36% say they check in on work even while on vacation.

This new flexible work schedule means that many professionals can put in their hours from any location they want. Forty-four percent of consumers now say they work at least some of the time neither at the office nor at home, but places like cafés and restaurants, the homes of friends or relatives, or while traveling on trains, planes, buses and automobiles.

In a sense, the ConnectedEconomy™ has transformed much of the physical world into a potential office space. It has also served as an incubator for entrepreneurial activity, giving many working professionals easy access to build their own businesses or go after other professional endeavors within the gig economy.

Our research found that 37% of consumers working and living in this ever-present hybrid office space say they use online platforms and other digital tools to boost their own businesses, while 33% are relying on platforms such as, Uber, Upwork, Fiver or TaskRabbit to connect with new clients and find new job opportunities.

For more insights into how and where people are working, download The PYMNTS ConnectedEconomy™ January 2022 Report.