Prepaid Pioneer Shares Paved Road to Success

Innovation in prepaid services is generating such buzz that it has even lured payments industry veteran Richard Savard out of retirement. He now takes the helm as CEO of FSV Payments System after serving on the company’s Board of Directors since mid-2009.

Rick, previously CEO of NetSpend and VP of Marketing at Bloomingdale’s, discusses the prepaid payments boom and his plans for FSV in this exclusive NEXTcast interview.    



Executive Bio: Rick Savard, President and Chief Executive Officer at FSV Payment Systems, Inc.

Richard (Rick) Savard, 54, has succeeded Jonathan Palmer as FSV’s President and Chief Executive Officer, reporting to FSV’s Board of Directors. Palmer, 67, who has served as President and CEO since October 2005, will remain with the company as a Director. Mr. Palmer will also consult with the company on strategic issues.

Savard has been a member of FSV’s Board of Directors since mid-2009. He previously served as CEO of NetSpend Corporation, a prepaid debit company based in Austin, Texas. Prior to that he held senior positions in marketing and financial services for Macy’s, Inc. in both New York City and in Cincinnati, Ohio.

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