Location: NAPCP Headquarters, Minnetonka, Minn.
Dr. Richard Palmer, RPMG Research Corporation
Terry Murphey,VP, Payments Optimization, Bank of America Merrill Lynch
How often do you benchmark and evaluate your P-Card program? What do you do with the results? Maybe it has been awhile since your organization completed such an activity. Maybe you’re unsure of how and where to start. Then there’s the matter of utilizing different card-related payment options. Are you confused, for example, about when to use a P-Card and when to use an automated payables solution? To help you take your program to the next level, the NAPCP is pleased to offer this dynamic workshop, led by Dr. Palmer, RPMG Research Corp., and Terry Murphey, Bank of America Merrill Lynch—two engaging industry experts. Targeted at end-users with at least an intermediate level of P-Card experience, this course will include: key program performance metrics, notable results from the 2010 Purchasing Card Benchmark Survey Report by RPMG Research, and tips for evaluating your program data and identifying improvement opportunities. (More information)