MasterCard Asks: What Card Security Feature Matters Most?

MasterCard has its sights set on security with its latest poll and conference.

Next week, MasterCard plays host to the Global Risk Management Conference in San Diego, and will focus on ways to protect payments and cardholders in what it terms as an “ever-changing” market.

Card security should be top of mind for every consumer out there, as the ramifications of having your account data compromised can be really serious. What consumers might not often ponder, though, is exactly which card security features are most important to them.

So if you’re a cardholder (and that’s a pretty safe bet), what makes you feel safest? Do you think about Chip & PIN when you pay? Do you value “zero liability” policies? Perhaps speedy card replacement is what most matters to you.

Make your opinion known, and vote in the MasterCard poll here.