Canada Upset Over Potential Cross-Border Fee

The U.S. Department of Agriculture wants to increase the fee Canadian truckers must pay when they cross the U.S./Canada border. As reported by the Toronto Sun, the American government stated that it has to recoup the cost of fighting pests brought into the country on Canadian trucks that carry agricultural goods.

However, the Canadian trucking industry reports that the fee increase could do serious damage to the Canada/U.S. trade relationship.

According to the news source, bilateral trade between the two countries is worth approximately $782 billion annually.

International Trade Minister Ed Fast said in a statement that the fee creates “market distortion” that “may not be consistent with U.S. international trade obligations.

“Canada and the United States have the world’s largest trade relationship and Canada is by far the largest customer for U.S. goods and services,” Fast said. “We want to grow this relationship, not stifle it.”

Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) President David Bradley told QMI Agency that because the fee is being considered for all trucks, regardless of what they are carrying, is proof it isn’t really about fighting pests.

“We are opposed to the increase, but we’re also opposed to the fee itself,” Bradley said.

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