Company Launches Innovative Payment Processing Tool

Pensmore Software recently announced the launch of its latest tool designed to simplify the payment process for small to medium sized businesses (SMBs). According to a company press release, IntuitivePay™ will work for QuickBooks and QuickBooks Point of Sale.

Pensmore founder and CEO Jeff White said in a company statement that the application was built on feedback that his organization received from dealer partners and merchants. Now, Pensmore can offer “the best integrated payment application in QuickBooks and QuickBooks Point of Sale market.”

According to White, SMBs want software that efficiently handles credit cards alongside other forms of payment processing. Additionally, owners want smooth back office integration and low operating costs. By partnering with Mercury Payment Systems, the founder said that his company was able to design a solution to meet all of those needs.

“Many industry analysts have pointed out that if SMBs could design the software they needed, the credit card processing and accounting market would look very different,” the Pensmore statement read. “Today, that became a reality.”

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