Retailers And Apple Are Mobile Wallet “Wild Cards”

According to Jefferies electronics payments summit, Apple’s Mobile wallet and the evolving preferences of retailers are the biggest “wild cards” in the mobile wallet game today.

“While news from Apple’s wallet offering continues to be limited,”  Jefferies analyst Jason Kupferberg noted in a research report., “the consensus was that Apple’s eventual play in mobile payments will ultimately be more about developing a killer wallet app that helps sell more high-margin hardware, while trying to capitalize on potential advertising related revenue streams (similar to the Google (GOOG) Wallet approach), rather than trying to invade the economics of payment transactions and disrupt incumbent players such as Visa and MasterCard.”

Jefferies further noted that mega-retailers like MCX were best positioned to offer consumer focusing mWallets and that Visa, MasterCard and PayPal are all strongly positioned in the wallet race.

MPD CEO Karen Webster thinks current position in the race is less important that knowing how to navigate down the road effectively toward better mobile integration. Check out where she think the road ahead is going.  

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