artificial intelligence

In computer science, artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans.


Ace Is The Place With The Helpful Omnichannel Strategy
Ace Is The Place With The Helpful Omnichannel Strategy
March 13, 2020  |  Commerce Connected

The notion that brick-and-mortar is going the way of the dinosaur as the popularity of eCommerce grows has proven to be just the opposite according...

Vacasa On Using AI To Put Predictability In Home Sharing
Vacasa On Using AI To Put Predictability In Home Sharing
March 13, 2020  |  Artificial Intelligence

The heart of home sharing is authenticity. You occupy the homes of actual people who live in cool destinations rather than expensive, impersonal hotels that...

Latest AI Playbook: Many FI Systems Are Too ‘Artificial’
Latest AI Playbook: Many FI Systems Are Too ‘Artificial’
March 11, 2020  |  Artificial Intelligence

For all the talk about artificial intelligence (AI) in financial circles at present – it seems everything is “AI-powered” – it turns out there’s a...

Strategizing The ‘Ugly Child’ Of Corporate Finance: Accounts Receivable
Strategizing The ‘Ugly Child’ Of Corporate Finance: Accounts Receivable
March 11, 2020  |  B2B Payments

Accounts receivable (AR) is a function that spreads across multiple tasks of an enterprise, from corporate finance to sales teams and vendor relationship management initiatives....

New AI Wearable Aims To Fight Coronavirus By Preventing Face-Touching
New AI Wearable Aims To Fight Coronavirus By Preventing Face-Touching
March 10, 2020  |  Coronavirus

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, three Seattle entrepreneurs have created a wristband that vibrates when the person wearing it goes to touch their face,...

How Hospitals Use AI To Triage The Triage
How Hospitals Use AI To Triage The Triage
March 09, 2020  |  Coronavirus

Unless one is having a medical emergency, going to an ER, in general, is often not the best way for a patient to receive care...

Today In Payments: India Seizes Control Of Yes Bank; JPMC CEO Dimon Recovers From Heart Surgery
Today In Payments: India Seizes Control Of Yes Bank; JPMC CEO Dimon Recovers From Heart...
March 06, 2020  |  News

In today’s top payments news, the Indian government has taken control of Yes Bank as it creates a bailout plan for the bank, and JPMorgan...

As Virus Spreads, So Do Fraudsters – And The Data To Battle Them
As Virus Spreads, So Do Fraudsters – And The Data To Battle Them
March 06, 2020  |  Security & Fraud

This week in payments can be summed up, of course, in one word: Coronavirus, of course. The headlines fly fast and furious, and new cases...