
A job, employment, work or occupation, is a person's role in society. More specifically, a job is an activity, often regular and often performed in exchange for payment ("for a living").


Retail Job Apocalypse, Everyone Must Go!
Retail Job Apocalypse, Everyone Must Go!
July 31, 2017  |  Retail

“Everything must go” is typically a phrase reserved for big clearance or store closure sales. Speaking to the latter, what results from those brick-and-mortar stores...

Contingency Plans Mulled Ahead of Brexit
Contingency Plans Mulled Ahead of Brexit
July 25, 2017  |  Brexit

Contingency plans seemed to be the name of the game in recent days as relates to Brexit, and as the Telegraph reported, companies are gearing...

Retailers Raise Concerns Over Potential Border Tax
Retailers Raise Concerns Over Potential Border Tax
July 24, 2017  |  Retail

The retail industry is going through a rough transformation. This shift in the way that retailers operate is evident from consumers’ shift to more online...

AI/BOTS: Artificial Intelligence’s Impact On Jobs
AI/BOTS: Artificial Intelligence’s Impact On Jobs
July 18, 2017  |  Chatbots

Robots are coming for your job! Run! As more chatbots enter the enterprise arena, as well as the retail industry, for customer service needs, this...

Generational Difference Driving Innovations In Investments
Generational Difference Driving Innovations In Investments
June 14, 2017  |  Investments

It’s no surprise that generational difference will create problems in a household, but it’s also leading to innovations. That’s according to the 2017 U.S. Trust...

ADP Offers Brighter Tone On SMB Job Growth
ADP Offers Brighter Tone On SMB Job Growth
June 02, 2017  |  B2B Payments

While small business job growth has slowed, it’s still growth, and that may be cause for optimism, according to new analysis from ADP. The payroll...

Retail Jobs May Not Be In Jeopardy Yet
Retail Jobs May Not Be In Jeopardy Yet
May 30, 2017  |  Retail

Year after year, the retail industry typically welcomes a new influx of workers across all of its verticals. In the past few years, some in...

Amazon To Add 5K Jobs In Virtual Customer Service
Amazon To Add 5K Jobs In Virtual Customer Service
April 07, 2017  |  Amazon

Amazon’s latest employee-boosting ambitions will certainly add to the growing stats of workers working remotely. The online retail giant just announced a plan to create...

One Honkin’, Highflying Goose – IPO
One Honkin’, Highflying Goose – IPO
March 18, 2017  |  Sizzle/Fizzle

Think all IPOs are tech-driven, are based on social media and roar right out of the gate? If you nodded to only one of these...