
NY Fed Sees Increase In Access To Consumer Credit
NY Fed Sees Increase In Access To Consumer Credit
November 21, 2017  |  Loans

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York painted a more optimistic picture of U.S. households, saying access to credit has improved at the same time...

Fed’s Brainard Says Banks Play Key Role In Holding FinTechs Accountable
Fed’s Brainard Says Banks Play Key Role In Holding FinTechs Accountable
November 17, 2017  |  Regulation

Lael Brainard, a member of the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors, thinks that traditional lenders need to demand that online financial companies protect consumer privacy...

Amid Push To Open China’s Financial Markets, Some Banks May Hesitate
Amid Push To Open China’s Financial Markets, Some Banks May Hesitate
November 16, 2017  |  Bank Regulation

Will China’s invitation get the party started? Put a different way: If you open a country’s financial markets, will the (foreign) banks bring the capital?...

Only 12 Percent Of SMBs Have Used Alternative Finance, Survey Finds
Only 12 Percent Of SMBs Have Used Alternative Finance, Survey Finds
November 15, 2017  |  B2B Payments

A new survey from alternative lender Reliant Funding found only 12 percent of surveyed small businesses (SMBs) have actually used alternative finance. The company released...

Goldman Sees $13B In Consumer Loans In Its Future
Goldman Sees $13B In Consumer Loans In Its Future
November 15, 2017  |  Loans

Goldman Sachs revealed that it can reach $13 billion in new consumer loans in the next three years through its Marcus online lending business. According...

Today In Data: Healthcare Debt, Unbanked Economy Boosters And Late B2B Payments
Today In Data: Healthcare Debt, Unbanked Economy Boosters And Late B2B Payments
November 14, 2017  |  Today In Data

B2B payments are powerful, but so are mounting debts. Innovative technology is making it increasingly easy for companies and individuals to exchange money for goods...

Today In Data: Same-Day ACH Credit, Square Loans And Ransomware
Today In Data: Same-Day ACH Credit, Square Loans And Ransomware
November 09, 2017  |  Today In Data

In a world of evolving technology and instant offerings, financial institutions (FIs), cybersecurity providers, merchants and consumers must all remain aware of the innovative solutions...

Capital One Exits The Mortgage Origination Business
Capital One Exits The Mortgage Origination Business
November 09, 2017  |  Loans

Capital One Financial Corp. is getting out of the mortgage origination and home equity business, while continuing to service their existing and pending home loans,...

LendingClub’s Q3 Earnings: Loans Grow, Losses Shrink, Stock Slammed
LendingClub’s Q3 Earnings: Loans Grow, Losses Shrink, Stock Slammed
November 08, 2017  |  Earnings

LendingClub investors headed for the exits, sending the stock down as much as 20 percent after hours when the company posted third-quarter results that topped...