The quick service restaurant industry is always trying its best to find new ways to reinvent itself. While some sit down restaurants have already started...
Some could argue that over the past few decades, financial services has completely transformed itself. From relying on physically walking into a bank to withdraw...
While more Americans 65 and older are embracing technology, with roughly two-thirds of older citizens going online and owning smartphones, many seniors remain relatively unconnected...
The world of payments is no doubt in the midst of a major transformation. Vivek Agrawal, executive vice president of technology solutions provider Skava, joined...
It’s no secret that Americans love to eat. And entrepreneurs with an eye on gourmets and gourmands love to serve. For the restaurateurs, however, problems...
Known for its country music and barbecue, Nashville is becoming so much more as companies flock to it. Over the past year, Nashville has specifically been...
There are few experiences more miserable for both parties than trying to resolve a technical problem with a service over the telephone. The customer, already...
Amazon pushed further into the selfie camera market, rolling out a companion app for iOS and Android devices that works with its new camera, the...
In a visual culture, collecting data isn’t enough: organizations need to see how it’s all connected. That’s Neo Technology’s specialty. The company created Neo4j —...