Matchmakers/page/2 news and trends

AI 1.0 Is Already Accelerating Industry 4.0’s Innovation Pace
artificial intelligence // December 01, 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) is giving industry 4.0 a shot in the arm.  The bleeding edge computing innovation is driving future-fit efficiencies within historically fragmented and labor-intensive industries, slotting productively into the current industrial era of connectivity, advanced analytics and automation.  “The Industrial 4.0 revolution was based...

What Lighting a Fire Tells Us About Igniting Threads and the Billionaires’ New City
David S. Evans // October 31, 2023

It never hurts to brush up on basic skills, like how to make a roaring campfire in the woods before taking that next backpacking trip. How you make one also provides some timely reminders for Silicon Valley heavyweights who may be off on their next platform...

The Crowdsourced 1099 Salesforce Enters The Picture
Business // October 04, 2019

We are all salespeople — we all have influence over certain friends, relatives, neighbors and co-workers. Assuming people trust us (assuming other people consider us more than boastful blowhards), they are likely to at least listen when we talk about favorite products and services, retailers,...

How Digital Platforms Are Revolutionizing The $100B Flower Biz
B2B Payments // September 06, 2019

There are worse ways to start a business than what happened when John Tabis was getting direct-to-consumer and subscription flower operation The Bouqs off the ground. As the story goes — the story he told to Karen Webster for the latest edition of the PYMNTS Matchmakers...

Interviews & Exclusives
Modern Healthcare Marketplaces Use Data and Digital to Match Provider and Patient Demand

December 04, 2023
The healthcare industry is a massive, fragmented and — above all — necessary force in American life. Complicating matters is that there’s a growing shortage of clinicians in the United States. “There has been a widening gap between the demand for healthcare services and the supply of clinicians to deliver that care,” Alexi Nazem, co-founder […]

AI 1.0 Is Already Accelerating Industry 4.0’s Innovation Pace

December 01, 2023
Artificial intelligence (AI) is giving industry 4.0 a shot in the arm.  The bleeding edge computing innovation is driving future-fit efficiencies within historically fragmented and labor-intensive industries, slotting productively into the...

The Crowdsourced 1099 Salesforce Enters The Picture

October 04, 2019
We are all salespeople — we all have influence over certain friends, relatives, neighbors and co-workers. Assuming people trust us (assuming other people consider us more than boastful blowhards), they...

How Digital Platforms Are Revolutionizing The $100B Flower Biz

September 06, 2019
There are worse ways to start a business than what happened when John Tabis was getting direct-to-consumer and subscription flower operation The Bouqs off the ground. As the story goes —...