Real Time Payments Report news and trends

Businesses Mull Move to RTP to Capture Cash Flow Benefits
B2B Payments // May 09, 2022

Real-time payments usage may be nearing an inflection point. These payments still account for just 2% of corporate payments sent and 1.3% of payments received, but a growing number of corporate treasurers and billing and payment executives recognize the opportunities these payments offer in helping...

Deep Dive: How Small FIs Use Third Parties, Gradual Integrations To Guide New Payment Rail...
Faster Payments // December 31, 2020

The demand for faster payments is growing as companies look for swift, data-rich ways to transact. One study from 2019 found that 54 percent of 120 financial executives listed real-time payments as one of the most impactful emerging technologies, for example. Businesses are accustomed to...

Cross River Bank On The Case For Direct RTP® Integration
Faster Payments // December 30, 2020

Small financial institutions (FIs) that directly integrate with real-time payments (RTP) must do more work than their counterparts that turn to third parties for RTP access. But the initial investment is worth the cost, says Jesse Honigberg, technology chief of staff at Cross River. In...

Control Vs. Convenience Shapes Debate As FIs Adopt Faster Payments
Faster Payments // December 29, 2020

The benefits of instant payment services are gaining attention from companies that want to be able to transact with better visibility and cash flow information. Enabling rapid-fire transactions to become the norm requires a critical mass of banks and credit unions (CUs) adopting these rails,...

Interviews & Exclusives
Control Vs. Convenience Shapes Debate As FIs Adopt Faster Payments

December 29, 2020
The benefits of instant payment services are gaining attention from companies that want to be able to transact with better visibility and cash flow information. Enabling rapid-fire transactions to become the norm requires a critical mass of banks and credit unions (CUs) adopting these rails, however. Corporate buyers that bank with financial institutions (FIs) that […]