Geithner, Banks Play Blame Game [CARTOON]

October 4, 2011

ComplianceX featured two chuckle-worthy cartoons this week regarding banks’ responses to the newly enacted Durbin Amendment.

The first cartoon addresses Bank of America’s plans to begin charging customers $5 each month for purchases made with a debit card.

“And maybe additional fees if customers complain!” exclaims a man in front of a BoA sign in the cartoon.

The second cartoon addresses Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s assertion that “we’re going to push back harder” at FIs who try to water-down or get around new financial regulations

“Geithner said bankers are ‘blaming reforms and the government for everything’ including the problems the bankers themselves were ‘essential to causing,’ reports ComplianceEX. “’In the end we’re going to prevail because what we’re doing is a reasonable, sensible thing, which is to make sure the economy is never again vulnerable to this degree of basic abuse, mistakes, excessive risk taking,’ Geithner said on CNN television.”

Visit ComplianceX to view the BoA and Geithner cartoons, respectively.