
Beacondo Plans to Simplify iBeacon Integration for Mobile Apps

Beacondo is free for anyone to use and will provide a simpler way to create iBeacon-supported apps.

Beacondo is stating that it will provide a simpler and familiar graphical user interface for creating apps and configuring iBeacons. This will free users from writing code, according to Apple Insider.

The company says that apps built this way are still compiled from native code, however, this means that users will not experience any slowdowns and many built-in iOS functions will be available.

Beacondo will offer a wide range of design choices. Users will be able to add carousels, maps, videos, and audio, among other elements. Beacondo says their platform works well for retail stores, museums, and coffee shops, though any business can build apps using it.

Beacondo is free for anyone to use, as long as the system carries a “Powered by Beacondo” message. Those wishing to remove the message can upgrade to one of two “professional” or “enterprise” plans that enable apps to interact with higher numbers of iBeacons or customize in-app notifications.


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