Dairy Supply Chain Gets Help From Bill Gates

Bill Gates is not just about Microsoft. According to a recent Supply Management article, the billionaire is backing an effort to improve Africa’s dairy supply chains.

The continent’s dairy supply chains are crucial in many nations. For example, in Kenya, more than one million small-scale farmers – who have limited options available for collecting, storing and transporting milk – produce approximately 80 percent of the nation’s milk.

Specifically, Gates is collaborating with Intellectual Ventures and Global Good. The latter company created a new container designed specifically for milk collection and transportation.

Global Good explained potential dairy supply chain breakdowns to the news source. According to the organization, traditional milk pails can be kicked over during the milking process. The liquid could then get contaminants that accelerate spoilage. From the pails, farmers often pour milk into repurposed jerry cans that break easily and are difficult to clean.

“To address these breakdowns in the dairy supply chain, Global Good and Intellectual Ventures Laboratory set out to invent an improved milking and transportation system optimized for farmers in developing countries,” the organization said in a statement, according to Supply Management.

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