New Report on Supplier’s Expectation of Purchasing and Payment

A new report that provides readers with a detailed analysis of the industry’s viewpoint about the significance of e-commerce surrounding the supply chain, investment decisions, technological developments and growth prospects within the packaging industry was released, titled the New Study on Online Retail in Packaging Industry. The report identifies countries shaping the future of packaging in e-commerce and assesses the impact of online shopping on packaging types and materials over the next three years.

The report offers a detailed analysis of trends related to consumer online shopping and packaging, and highlights the significance of B2B e-commerce systems and their impact on packaging over the last three years. In addition, it also provides information about the key countries initiating developments in e-commerce for packaging and their impact on overall packaging supply chain.

Key Findings Include

  • The Health and Beauty and Food industries need to adapt packaging to the needs of e-commerce
  • E-commerce is the primary force driving renewed interest in operational efficiency, printing, and recycling systems
  • Transit packaging should be designed with the consumer in mind; to place greater emphasis on pack aesthetics
  • E-commerce means packaging companies need to be increasingly attuned to the needs of consumers, rather than the merchants.

The full report and key findings may be found here.

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