Target Rolls Out New ‘Connected Living’ Store Design

Target is letting some of the design ideas created at its Open House format store in San Francisco out into the wilds of more traditional retail.
Connect Living is an in-store experience designed to give customers a chance to test drive connected products and streamlined wonders such connectivity will bring to their lives. Currently getting a test run in Minnetonka, Minnesota, the project reportedly stems from the Open House design of using an  “physical “house” space and LED screens to illustrate how connected products work in a real-life setting.
The Minnesota translation of that involves directing customers to discover tables and LED screens dedicated to different product categories.
All in, six sections make up the Connect Living program, each with a dedicated expert, animated discover table and an LED screen ready to roll with a story about product usefulness and the ability to sync with all the other devices a consumer might want or need.
“There is tremendous untapped potential here, and we’ve been steadily adding more connected products to our assortment.” said Scott Nygaard, senior VP, merchandising, hardlines, Target. “But the market is still early and consumers are focused on single-use, single-benefit products. Our goal is to educate and inspire guests about the potential of connected devices, and take learnings from the test to refine the experience with the hope of eventually expanding it to more stores.”