
China FinTechs Turn To Overseas IPOs To Raise Capital
China FinTechs Turn To Overseas IPOs To Raise Capital
September 07, 2017  |  International

With China tightening its regulations, some of the country’s largest FinTech startups are eyeing initial public offerings (IPOS) overseas. According to a report in Finextra,...

EU May Loosen Software Bank Rules
EU May Loosen Software Bank Rules
September 06, 2017  |  Bank Regulation

With FinTechs eroding away traditional banks’ lead, rules governing investments in software in the European Union (EU) may loosen. According to a news report in...

KeyBank Invests In Billtrust For AR Automation
KeyBank Invests In Billtrust For AR Automation
August 18, 2017  |  B2B Payments

KeyBank is working with accounts receivable company Billtrust to launch a new AR platform for its corporate clients. In a deal signifying increased focus on...

FinTech And The Rx For Healthcare Payments
FinTech And The Rx For Healthcare Payments
August 15, 2017  |  Payment Methods

Healthcare can be a draining out-of-pocket expense in an age where premiums and deductibles are skyrocketing. Technology can help keep patients informed and timely in their...

How APIs Are Fostering Collaboration Between FinTechs And Banks
How APIs Are Fostering Collaboration Between FinTechs And Banks
August 10, 2017  |  API

In the past, banks and FinTechs have been known to lock horns like (financially savvy) reality TV stars. Can APIs build a bridge and hand...

API As Olive Branch? Silicon Valley Bank Seeks To End FI Rivalry
API As Olive Branch? Silicon Valley Bank Seeks To End FI Rivalry
August 09, 2017  |  API

The rivalry between banks and FinTechs has, at times, been tense if not downright combative. Enter APIs to help the two sides coexist more peacefully....

CFPB Rails Against Costly Pay-By-Phone Fees
CFPB Rails Against Costly Pay-By-Phone Fees
August 01, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau warned companies  Monday (July 31) about  tricking consumers into expensive pay-by-phone fees. In a press release the government watchdog said...

Lawmaker Queries Alt-Lenders With Concerns Over ‘Trapped’ Small Biz Borrowers
Lawmaker Queries Alt-Lenders With Concerns Over ‘Trapped’ Small Biz Borrowers
July 28, 2017  |  B2B Payments

One U.S. lawmaker has begun to inquire about SMB alternative lending practices, according to JD Supra news reports. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (D-Mo.) has reportedly sent letters...

For Challenger Digital Banks, It’s Game On
For Challenger Digital Banks, It’s Game On
July 20, 2017  |  Digital Banking

Game on. That’s the message U.K. challenger Atom Bank has for competitors, as it seeks to reinvent banking with lessons taken from the video game...