Anti Competitive news and trends

France Dings Google With 150M Euro Anti-Competition Fine
Google // December 20, 2019

The competition authority in France has fined search engine company Google 150 million euros ($167 million) for its anti-competitive actions, as well as its advertisement placement behavior on its Google Ads page, according to a report by CNBC. The latest fine comes in an environment...

More States Join AG Facebook Investigation Led By NY 
ANTITRUST // October 08, 2019

The Facebook probe announced by attorneys general in September now has 40 states signed on to investigate allegations of the social media giant’s anti-competitive practices, The Washington Post reported on Monday (Oct. 7). Sources told Reuters that several state attorneys general met with U.S. Attorney...

DOJ Seeks Facebook Antitrust Probe
Facebook // September 26, 2019

U.S. Attorney General William Barr is urging the U.S. Justice Department to investigate Facebook to determine whether it violated federal antitrust laws, Reuters reported on Wednesday (Sept. 25).  This new investigation comes on the heels of a Federal Trade Commission probe seeking to discover if...

FTC Defining Its Authority To Govern Big Tech
ANTITRUST // September 13, 2019

The Federal Trade Commission is in the process of defining how U.S. antitrust laws apply to big tech so it can better police anti-competitive behavior, The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday (Sept. 12). The FTC wants to uncover any regulatory gaps or limitations in...

Quick Reads
Tech Giants Challenge Apple’s App Store Plans

March 20, 2024
In a joint legal filing, Meta Platforms, Microsoft, X and Match Group have called on a federal judge to reject Apple’s plan for allowing outside payment options in its App Store. The companies argue that the proposal contradicts a 2021 ruling that found Apple in violation of California’s unfair competition laws, requiring Apple to allow app developers to direct users to their […]

France Dings Google With 150M Euro Anti-Competition Fine

December 20, 2019
The competition authority in France has fined search engine company Google 150 million euros ($167 million) for its anti-competitive actions, as well as its advertisement placement behavior on its Google...

More States Join AG Facebook Investigation Led By NY 

October 08, 2019
The Facebook probe announced by attorneys general in September now has 40 states signed on to investigate allegations of the social media giant’s anti-competitive practices, The Washington Post reported on...

DOJ Seeks Facebook Antitrust Probe

September 26, 2019
U.S. Attorney General William Barr is urging the U.S. Justice Department to investigate Facebook to determine whether it violated federal antitrust laws, Reuters reported on Wednesday (Sept. 25).  This new...