Chatbot/page/2 news and trends

OpenAI Reportedly Prepares for Upcoming Launch of Advanced GPT-5 Model
artificial intelligence // March 20, 2024

OpenAI, the artificial intelligence (AI) company led by Sam Altman, is reportedly preparing to release GPT-5, the next generation of its multimodal large language model, in the coming months.  According to a Business Insider report citing two people familiar with the company, OpenAI could introduce GPT-5...

Why Open Source Models Could Be the Future of AI
artificial intelligence // March 19, 2024

Elon Musk’s xAI is open-sourcing its artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot, Grok, in a move that some say could democratize AI technology and foster innovation in commercial applications. The company has released the data for Grok to X Premium+ subscribers through GitHub and BitTorrent. This open release...

Smaller AI Models Challenge GPT-4, Boost Business Accessibility
artificial intelligence // March 13, 2024

Inflection’s recent Pi chatbot upgrade showcases the trend of developing smaller, more cost-effective artificial intelligence (AI) models that make AI more accessible for businesses. The chatbot has been upgraded with the new Inflection 2.5 model, achieving close to OpenAI’s GPT-4’s effectiveness while only using 40% of...

Anthropic Takes On Google and ChatGPT With New Claude GenAI Model
News // March 04, 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) startup Anthropic said its latest generative AI models outperform those from Google and OpenAI. The Claude 3 family of models, announced Monday (Mar. 4), include versions known as Haiku, Sonnet and Opus, and are purported to be the company’s most powerful chatbots to...

Interviews & Exclusives Takes Chatbots Beyond Higher Education’s Hallowed Halls

February 07, 2024
Chatbots, taken at surface value, are the artificial intelligence (AI) versions of the connected economy contact center. But some companies are making these conversational widgets much more than a support function. With a shot of creativity, chatbots can be a proactive strategy for customer engagement. “Having technology with heart has always been very important to […]

How Texas Restaurants Are Using A Safety Seal of Approval To Get Customers Back

July 09, 2020
In a bid toward normality, states are reopening. No surprise, after months of lockdown: We all want to get something to eat. And we’d like to be safe when we...

Meet Ben, An AI-Powered Bitcoin Friend

April 06, 2018
Much has been written about buying bitcoin in specific, and cryptocurrency in general. Whether it’s investing or gambling, whether it’s a good idea or immoral – no ink has been...

Is AI’s Next Evolution To Digital Humans?

February 27, 2018
What would you do if you met a digital human? It is not an idle question, nor are we asking how you would handle yourself if you suddenly landed in...

Quick Reads
OpenAI Reportedly Prepares for Upcoming Launch of Advanced GPT-5 Model

March 20, 2024
OpenAI, the artificial intelligence (AI) company led by Sam Altman, is reportedly preparing to release GPT-5, the next generation of its multimodal large language model, in the coming months.  According to a Business Insider report citing two people familiar with the company, OpenAI could introduce GPT-5 sometime over the summer. The company has reportedly offered demos […]

Anthropic Takes On Google and ChatGPT With New Claude GenAI Model

March 04, 2024
Artificial intelligence (AI) startup Anthropic said its latest generative AI models outperform those from Google and OpenAI. The Claude 3 family of models, announced Monday (Mar. 4), include versions known as...

OpenAI Chairman Bret Taylor Launches AI Chatbot Startup Sierra

February 14, 2024
OpenAI Chairman Bret Taylor has launched Sierra, an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot startup, aiming to develop conversational AI agents specifically designed for businesses. Taylor told Bloomberg Technology that Sierra operates at a different layer...

Volkswagen Integrates OpenAI’s ChatGPT Into In-Car Voice Assistant

January 09, 2024
Volkswagen has integrated OpenAI’s artificial-intelligence (AI) chatbot, ChatGPT, into its IDA voice assistant. This integration will provide Volkswagen customers with seamless access to an ever-expanding AI database, allowing them to have researched...