In Store Pos news and trends

How Affirm Wants To Push ‘Honest Financing’ Into Physical Retail

March 19, 2018
MarketLive Launches In-Store Tablet POS System
Merchant Innovation // October 01, 2015

Modern shoppers might spend as much time looking at their phones while in physical stores as they do actually browsing the products. However, MarketLive’s new product might have store associates doing just the same. On Tuesday (Sept. 29), MarketLive announced in a press release that it was launching...

Interviews & Exclusives
How Affirm Wants To Push ‘Honest Financing’ Into Physical Retail

March 19, 2018
Despite the nearly continuous drumbeat of doom and gloom from the world of physical retail, there is, according to Affirm CRO Rob Pfeifer, something of a curious side phenomenon unfolding at the same time: Online brands – famous and famously successful online brands – are branching out into physical retail. “Brands are moving to the real world […]

Quick Reads
MarketLive Launches In-Store Tablet POS System

October 01, 2015
Modern shoppers might spend as much time looking at their phones while in physical stores as they do actually browsing the products. However, MarketLive’s new product might have store associates doing just the same. On Tuesday (Sept. 29), MarketLive announced in a press release that it was launching Omni-Touch POS, a point-of-sale system that works on tablets to […]