Tokenex news and trends

How Cutting-Edge Tokens Can Help Retailers Find More Profit In Data
Data // September 20, 2018

Data is one thing — a valuable commodity that makes information the oil of the digital age. However, keeping track of data in a way that enables secure storage, efficient access and analysis, compliance with regulations and — ultimately — its profitable use is quite another topic....

TokenEx Uses Multi-Variant Tokenization To Streamline Data Flows
Data // September 10, 2018

Keep it simple. That guidance, handed down by parents since cavemen days, also applies to the cutting edge of digital data technology and, by extension, commerce and payments. That includes tokenization, too — specifically, Multi-Variant Tokenization, a new proprietary technology from TokenEx that was designed...

TokenEx Launches Multi-Variant Tokenization
Security & Fraud // August 30, 2018

Data protection platform TokenEx has announced the launch of Multi-Variant Tokenization, a proprietary technology created to enhance how businesses operate and interact with sensitive data. As more organizations increase the number of channels their customers can use to purchase goods or services, the process of mapping...

GDPR Becomes Reality, Consumer Data Becomes Global
Data // May 28, 2018

It was a long time coming, but it’s here. As the world knows by now, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) took effect on May 25. The mechanics of what firms have to do when it comes to collecting, managing and processing data has...

Interviews & Exclusives
How Cutting-Edge Tokens Can Help Retailers Find More Profit In Data

September 20, 2018
Data is one thing — a valuable commodity that makes information the oil of the digital age. However, keeping track of data in a way that enables secure storage, efficient access and analysis, compliance with regulations and — ultimately — its profitable use is quite another topic. Those two extremes come together in a rising technology called […]

Tokenization: The Security Key For Call Centers

February 08, 2018
Call centers are fast becoming a fraudster favorite. Why? Because they’re just so darn inviting. Committing fraud over the phone in a call center environment represents a path of least...

Quick Reads
Report: 91 Pct Of Retailers Aren’t PCI Compliant

December 09, 2018
With retailers struggling to get compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, qualified security assessors are going to be in more demand and can offer tokenization as one way of achieving compliance. That’s according to TokenEx, which recently hosted a webinar to help retailers better understand tokenization. In a press release, TokenEx pointed to […]

TokenEx Uses Multi-Variant Tokenization To Streamline Data Flows

September 10, 2018
Keep it simple. That guidance, handed down by parents since cavemen days, also applies to the cutting edge of digital data technology and, by extension, commerce and payments. That includes...

TokenEx Launches Multi-Variant Tokenization

August 30, 2018
Data protection platform TokenEx has announced the launch of Multi-Variant Tokenization, a proprietary technology created to enhance how businesses operate and interact with sensitive data. As more organizations increase the number...