Apple Just Says No To Samsung Pay Mini iOS App

In news unlikely to shock anyone, Apple has denied Samsung Pay’s Mini app for placement in the Apple App Store.


Undisclosed reasons, according to recent reports. This news follows reports that the app would be available within the App Store.

As of today (Dec. 14), Samsung has confirmed Apple shot them down and noted that it will not make an attempt to resubmit the app. Instead, Samsung officially said it will focus on its Android launch that is expected for CES 2017.

Samsung Pay Mini is designed to help push Samsung Pay to other smartphones beyond Samsung’s own Galaxy-branded devices, thus making it a direct competitor to both Android Pay and Apple Pay. Apple, it seems, has decided to bench the competition.

Apple wants to keep Apple Pay the main go-to app for mobile payments on its own devices and operating system. Samsung Pay Mini will be focused nearly entirely on online payments, unlike Apple’s solution (or Samsung Pay regular), which are designed to replace physical cards.