Good Technology Solves A Hidden Problem With BYOD

As businesses embrace Bring Your Own Device and allow employees to use their own smartphones for work-related practices, technology firms have been more motivated than ever to roll out mobile apps and services geared towards the enterprise. But one company is looking to solve an issue with the BYOD movement that has rarely been addressed.

When an employee uses his or her own mobile device for work, an employer is responsible to share some of the burden for service and data fees. But determining exactly how much they owe an employee is a challenge.

On Thursday (July 23), Good Technology revealed a way for companies to solve that challenge. The firm announced its Enterprise Split Billing service to add to its suite of enterprise mobility and security. Further, the rollout includes a new data tracking, analytics and reporting service to ease friction with corporate-owned-personally enabled (COPE) rollouts of mobile devices, too.

“For companies with BYOD programs, there is little visibility today to separate data requirements for business versus personal applications on an employee phone,” Good Technology said in its announcement. The firm added that stipend programs are an added burden for employees and can force businesses to run into tax and compliance problems.

Further, Good Technology said, for COPE programs, many corporations actually waste money because they pick up the entire tab of the corporate phone without accounting for how much of that phone was used for personal use by an employee.

“One of the frequent concerns we hear is how to manage data costs while encouraging employees to use their personal devices at work,” said Good Technology Chairman and CEO Christy Wyatt. “Our new Enterprise Split Billing solution addresses that concern by reducing the need for reimbursement programs and providing a one-stop solution for BYOD or COPE.”

The executive added that it’s a “win-win scenario” because the service provides compliance measures for businesses and privacy measures for employees.

The firm cited recent research by Forrester, which found that more than half of information workers in the U.S. pay their entire mobile phone bills even though they use their phone for work.

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