Cyber Crime Originates In Europe: Statistics And Trends Report

Despite efforts to mitigate online fraud, cyber crime continues to grow. The future of cyber security remains ominous, and by 2017 it is expected that the global market will reach $120.1 billion in losses each year. These alarming figures underscore the urgency of the growing issue, and important need for retailers to be on heightened alert. A recent infographic created by Go-Gulf shows the latest cyber crime statistics and trends, and also highlights the countries most susceptible to cyber crime.

The Results Of Cyber Crime

Go-Gulf reported that the cyber crime market has reached $63.7 billion. At present, the annual cost of global cyber crime costs businesses an estimated $100 billion per year, and by 2017 this is expected to skyrocket to $120.1 billion. Each year, there are about 556 million people who fall victim to online fraud. This figure is broken down to a daily victim count, which represents an overwhelming 1.5 million people per day. Additionally, more than 232.4 million identities are exposed each year as a result of cyber crime.

Where Cyber Crime Hits

Facebook is a big target for fraudsters, and the infographic indicates that more than 600,000 Facebook accounts are hacked everyday. One-in-ten social networkers reported they have fallen into cyber crime traps such as scams or fake links through social network sites. Other common cyber attacks include viruses (50 percent), criminal insiders (33 percent), theft of data-bearing devices (28 percent) SQL injection (28 percent), phishing (22 percent), web-based attacks (17 percent), and social engineering (17 percent). Go-Gulf also reports the data breach statistics by industry: Medical and healthcare (39 percent), business (35.1 percent), education (10.7 percent), banking, credit and financial (5.3 percent), and government and military (9.9 percent). The report shows that Russia and the U.S. are the largest contributing areas where malware attacks are made with a reported 39.4 percent in Russia, and 19.7 percent in the U.S.

Top Countries Where Cyber Crime Originates (February 2013)

The majority of originating counties with the highest rate of cyber crimes is in Europe and includes Russia (2,402, 722) Germany (780,425), Ukraine (566,531), Hungary (367, 966), and Romania (350, 948).

To read the full report at Go-Gulf click here.