Counterterrorism Tools Leveraged In UK Cybersecurity Fight

Law-enforcement and government officials in the United Kingdom are turning to tools traditionally used to fight terrorism to prevent debilitating cyberattacks on the country’s financial institutions.

Some of the country’s top banks are huddling with UK counterterrorism officials to prevent fraud from doing widespread damage, Finextra reported on Feb. 10.
The London Police and the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau have teamed up to pool resources and share information.

“The next logical step for us to take is to create a ‘virtual ring of steel’ around what is the financial engine room of the UK,” London Police Commissioner Adrian Leppard said in a statement. “The way we are going to do it is by teaming up with city workers and sharing our experience and expertise with the banks that are now the target or being used as a facilitator for organized crime.”

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