How Wenig Pitched eBay At eBay’s Seller Summit

EBay’s CEO Devin Wenig announced a range of new seller-directed initiatives at the company’s 2015 Seller Summit held in San Jose, CA.

Marking the 20th anniversary of the company, Wenig announced a new seller hub for merchants, which is capable of providing timely product performance reports and improvement solutions using data analysis.

“It has data on how you’re [merchants] performing, how your category is doing, where demand in our marketplace is, suggestions on pricing.” Wenig said. “There’s a lot of data sitting in the eBay warehouse, and starting today we are going to open it up to you and allow you to be the greatest inventory management system in the world.”

[bctt tweet=”I think, if we turn the data over to you, you’ll know what to do with it. Probably better than we will know what to do with it.”]

Updating on the company’s Tuesday announcement about releasing a new suite of eBay apps, Wenig said that the move defines eBay’s new approach to the way merchants and customers interact on its platform as the company sees a shift in traffic, over 50 percent of which now comes through mobile devices.

“It’s a unified platform. It’s a single platform which will allow us to simplify and to speed up, to react to your comments, to your needs, faster, because now we are not developing for the mobile Web, and for Android, and for iOS and for the desktop. Increasingly, we are developing once and deploying it across all of those instances. Plus, I think it’s a great experience,” he said.

Wenig, who was appointed as the new eBay CEO in July after the company parted ways with PayPal, pointed out the company’s leadership goal towards tapping into a $14 trillion global commerce opportunity.

“Winning at this stage is important to you and important to us,” he said.

EBay currently hosts top 10 retail brands, 157 million active users, 25 million active sellers and 800 million listings, according to Wenig’s presentation.


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