AT&T has launched a new product, the LTE-M button, that allows users to place orders online in one click.
According to Engadget, the service is designed for businesses. While it’s not pre-programmed like Amazon’s Dash buttons, companies can program it to accomplish tasks that fit their needs.
“It offers endless possibilities for businesses to save time, money and improve customer convenience and satisfaction through the Internet of Things,” the company wrote in a press release.
Pushing the LTE-M button can trigger a variety of actions: Customers can give instant feedback at hotel conference rooms, airports and sports venues; mobile suppliers on the go can place orders from anywhere; products can be delivered to customers’ front doors at the touch of a button; automatic alerts can be sent from buttons attached to connected trash cans or oil storage containers when it’s time for a pickup; and seniors can have access to a “virtual concierge” to check in with caregivers on health status and to call for medication.
The LTE-M button is similar to Amazon Dash, and it is powered by Amazon Web Services. But since it’s connected to AT&T’s LTE-M network, the button doesn’t need a Wi-Fi connection to work.
“That means orders for tools and supplies can be placed from a job site where there is no Wi-Fi coverage. And there is no need to connect separately to a hodge-podge of Wi-Fi networks with passwords,” the company wrote.
AT&T’s LTE-enabled button, however, costs a lot more than Amazon Dash. The company will sell the first 5,000 pieces for $30, and then the price goes up by $5. In addition, its LTE-M connection is only free for three years or for 1,500 clicks, whichever comes first.
As for Amazon Dash, last year it was reported that orders via Dash buttons are placed greater than four times per minute, compared to one order per minute from the previous year. That amounts to roughly 5,760 orders each day.