Sri Lanka To Roll Out National Digital Identity Program

The Sri Lankan digital identity program is expected to cost $100 million and provide 20 million people with digital identities over the next three years.

Sri Lanka appears poised to make a splash in the identification world, as the country plans to launch a national digital identity program, according to GovInsider.

The CEO of Sri Lanka’s ICT Agency told the outlet that every citizen in the country will be provided with a digital identity smart card so they can log into their accounts to sign and send documents electronically, as well as make payments.

Meanwhile, the online initiative will enable Sri Lankans to sign up for welfare and get payments, which can be monitored by the government, via digital wallets.

The program, which is expected to cost more than $100 million and give 20 million people digital identities within three years, also involves electronically storing birth certificates and licenses, which Sri Lankans can provide to agencies that need access to them.

Much like Brazilian financial services company Nubank is using information stored in users’ smartphones for authentication and verification purposes, according to the latest Digital Identity Tracker™, Sri Lanka is looking to provide its citizens with a way to securely store and use vital information. The Tracker highlights recent news and happenings from around the digital identity space.

To download the Digital Identity Tracker™, click the button below. 
