Main Street On Lockdown

Main Street On Lockdown: The COVID-19 Cash Chasm evaluates the distance between how long the small and medium-sized businesses on Main Street U.S.A. can stay open with the funds they have versus how long they expect the pandemic to continue to impact their local economies. We surveyed 502 SMBs to get to the bottom of just how much additional government funding, particularly from the PPP program, can help keep their businesses afloat.
Inside the April 6 study:
  • 40 days: The number of days that the average Main Street SMB can remain open without government aid
  • 38.4 percent: Share of Main Street SMBs that have reduced payroll to mitigate the pandemic's financial impact on their bottom lines
  • 33.1 percent: Portion of Main Street SMBs that are mitigating the pandemic's financial impact on their bottom lines by not paying their bills