On-Demand Manufacturing, Secondhand Sellers’ Role, Walgreens Debuts Healthcare Segment

Today in Healthcare, Walgreens, UHC, UnitedHealth Group, DeepMind, Lawsuit, health data

We explore why it’s important to make a connection with secondhand sellers. Plus, Walgreens launches a healthcare business segment, and how on-demand manufacturing could dramatically reduce stock times for all sorts of items.


40M; 16M: Number of COVID-19 vaccines and tests, respectively, administered at Walgreens.

160: Number of VillageMD locations Walgreens plans to open by the end of 2022.

300K: The number of items currently available on Nordstrom’s website.

1.5M: The number of items Nordstrom aims to post on its website.

72%: Share of consumers who plan to maintain increased digital shopping behaviors.