Cbdcs news and trends

This Week in Web3: Wells Notices, Crypto Payments and Usability
Cryptocurrency // May 08, 2024

Crypto goes up, and crypto goes down. Then, often, crypto goes back up. It can be a dizzying and volatile cycle. Just collapsed cryptocurrency exchange FTX’s customers, who, having once feared they’d lost their collective billions, can now take solace from the news Tuesday (May...

Fed’s Jerome Powell Says ‘Nowhere Near’ Moving Forward With CBDC
CBDC // March 07, 2024

In testimony before Congress, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said that the idea of the United States adopting a central bank digital currency (CBDC) is far from being realized.  Speaking to the Senate Banking Committee Thursday (March 7), Powell said that the Federal Reserve is “nowhere near” moving...

UK Lawmakers Still Not Sold on Digital Pound
CBDC // December 03, 2023

British lawmakers say they’re still not sure their country needs a digital currency. “It must be clearly evidenced that a retail digital pound will provide benefits to the U.K. economy without increasing risks or leading to unmanageable costs before any decision is taken to introduce...

Singapore Banking Chief: Private Crypto Has ‘Miserably Failed’
Cryptocurrency // November 28, 2023

We could be witnessing the twilight of private cryptocurrencies, says one of Singapore’s top central bankers. Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) Managing Director Ravi Menon argued Tuesday (Nov. 28) that private crypto will eventually be replaced by a monetary system ruled by central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), “well-regulated” stablecoins and...

Interviews & Exclusives
CBDC Scrutiny Underscores Role of Compliance in Scaling Digital Innovations

May 29, 2024
The technology for central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) already exists. And as dozens of countries around the world have proven, in less time than it took to read this sentence, digital money issued by a sovereign bank can effectively settle in near real-time using distributed ledger technology (DLT). That fact alone could change a lot […]

Can Blockchain Deliver Speed, Security and Inclusion to Global Payments?

October 06, 2023
Innovative technology is on the cusp of transforming existing global payments infrastructure. But unlocking the full potential and capturing the true impact of next-generation value transfer solutions like blockchain-based payment...

Mastercard Says Value of Blockchain Tech in Payments Has Yet to Be Unlocked

July 03, 2023
Money movement is moving into the future at a rapid clip. But are central banks, enterprise organizations, consumers, and merchants ready for a new era of digitized programmability and payment...

Three-Day Weekends Are Relaxing — Three-Plus Days for Sending Cross-Border Payments Is Anything But

May 26, 2023
—Cross-border transactions are growing rapidly, thanks to digital transformations and new international settlement rails. But there still exist a host of international payment frustrations and reconciliation frictions due to ongoing...

Quick Reads
Fed’s Jerome Powell Says ‘Nowhere Near’ Moving Forward With CBDC

March 07, 2024
In testimony before Congress, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said that the idea of the United States adopting a central bank digital currency (CBDC) is far from being realized.  Speaking to the Senate Banking Committee Thursday (March 7), Powell said that the Federal Reserve is “nowhere near” moving forward with a CBDC, Reuters reported Thursday. During his appearance on Capitol […]

UK Lawmakers Still Not Sold on Digital Pound

December 03, 2023
British lawmakers say they’re still not sure their country needs a digital currency. “It must be clearly evidenced that a retail digital pound will provide benefits to the U.K. economy...

Singapore Banking Chief: Private Crypto Has ‘Miserably Failed’

November 28, 2023
We could be witnessing the twilight of private cryptocurrencies, says one of Singapore’s top central bankers. Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) Managing Director Ravi Menon argued Tuesday (Nov. 28) that private crypto will eventually...

Fed’s Barr Calls for ‘Strong Federal Regulation of Stablecoins’

November 07, 2023
A leading financial regulator in the United States is issuing a warning about stablecoins. Michael Barr, vice chair for supervision at the Federal Reserve, told an audience at a Washington,...