Digital Invoices news and trends

Can AI Find Its Way Into Accounts Payable?
Accounts Payable // April 05, 2024

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is igniting a new era of innovation within the back office. No legacy process is safe. And this is particularly true for accounts payable (AP) programs, where AI, coupled with advancements in deep learning, computer vision and natural language processing (NLP),...

NCR Voyix President Says Digital Invoices and ‘Clear’ Messaging Pave Way for Real-Time B2B Payments
B2B Payments // November 14, 2023

B2B payments are in need of some clarity. “Getting paid is the biggest pain point,” observed Doug Brown, president of NCR Voyix Digital Banking. But the friction, he told PYMNTS’ Karen Webster, extends well beyond the mere act of sending and receiving payments. Speed —...

Basware CEO: 90% of Companies Can’t Pay a Supplier on Time
Commercial Payments // September 06, 2023

Nine months into his tenure at the helm of Basware as CEO, Jason Kurtz told Karen Webster the dynamics between buyers and suppliers are ripe for improvement. CFOs grapple with suppliers’ requests for payments that come in across a dizzying array of different channels —...

AffiniPay CEO on Expanding End-User Choice to Accelerate Business Opportunity 
B2B Payments // March 15, 2023

The economy’s ongoing digital transformation is industry-agnostic, and now it’s coming for the legal field. “It’s really about the end client,” Dru Armstrong, CEO of AffiniPay, parent company of legal billing software solution LawPay, told PYMNTS in a recent conversation. “If you look at an...

Interviews & Exclusives
Can AI Find Its Way Into Accounts Payable?

April 05, 2024
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is igniting a new era of innovation within the back office. No legacy process is safe. And this is particularly true for accounts payable (AP) programs, where AI, coupled with advancements in deep learning, computer vision and natural language processing (NLP), is helping drive increased efficiency, accuracy and cost savings for […]

NCR Voyix President Says Digital Invoices and ‘Clear’ Messaging Pave Way for Real-Time B2B Payments

November 14, 2023
B2B payments are in need of some clarity. “Getting paid is the biggest pain point,” observed Doug Brown, president of NCR Voyix Digital Banking. But the friction, he told PYMNTS’...

From Bricks To Clicks: How The Pandemic Is Reshaping Remittances

June 30, 2020
The pandemic has upended daily life – and in payments, it is moving analog, face-to-face transactions toward the digital realm. In an interview with PYMNTS, Michael Bermingham, co-founder and chief...

Buyers And Suppliers Tackle The Invoice-To-Pay Digitization Journey

May 04, 2020
Office closures and remote working mandates have created an uncomfortable wakeup call for accounts payable (AP) and accounts receivable (AR) departments that continue to rely on manual, paper-based processes. And...