Financial Information news and trends

Fiserv Teams With Akoya on Data Sharing
Data // August 24, 2023

Consumer-permissioned data — as a concept — is nothing new in financial services. Look back across the past few decades, Jamie DelMedico, vice president and head of product for Fiserv’s BillPay, Aggregation and Verification Services, told PYMNTS in a recent interview: “When aggregators started coming...

Millennials, Gen Z Use Mobile Banking 5x More Than Their Parents
Security & Fraud // April 26, 2023

Banks are at a critical juncture in an era of increasing digital threats and a smartphone-centric culture. PYMNTS’ latest research shows that smartphones are already the go-to device for online financial activities for most consumers, particularly younger generations. Couple this shift with consumers’ desire for...

Data Worries Keep Facebook Crypto Partners At Bay
Facebook // June 17, 2019

Facebook’s GlobalCoin project has to overcome some big issues before its official launch. CoinDesk spoke to seven knowledgeable sources about GlobalCoin, also known as Project Libra, revealing that the project’s software has been delayed because of potential blockchain partners’ reluctance to work on something that...

Dell Reset All Customer Passwords After Attempted Data Hack
Security & Fraud // November 29, 2018

Dell announced that it reset passwords for all accounts on its online electronics store after it stopped hackers from trying to steal customer data. Citing a source familiar with the breach, Reuters reported that the company did not tell customers about the attack before it forced...

Interviews & Exclusives
Millennials, Gen Z Use Mobile Banking 5x More Than Their Parents

April 26, 2023
Banks are at a critical juncture in an era of increasing digital threats and a smartphone-centric culture. PYMNTS’ latest research shows that smartphones are already the go-to device for online financial activities for most consumers, particularly younger generations. Couple this shift with consumers’ desire for increased control of safeguarding their financial information, and it is […]

Quick Reads
FTC to Require Non-Banking Financial Institutions to Report Data Breaches

October 27, 2023
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) will require non-banking financial institutions to report certain data security breaches. In a unanimous decision, the regulator has approved an amendment to the Safeguards Rule, requiring non-banking financial institutions like mortgage brokers, motor vehicle dealers and payday lenders to report data security breaches affecting the information of 500 or more people, the FTC said […]

Fiserv Teams With Akoya on Data Sharing

August 24, 2023
Consumer-permissioned data — as a concept — is nothing new in financial services. Look back across the past few decades, Jamie DelMedico, vice president and head of product for Fiserv’s...

Data Worries Keep Facebook Crypto Partners At Bay

June 17, 2019
Facebook’s GlobalCoin project has to overcome some big issues before its official launch. CoinDesk spoke to seven knowledgeable sources about GlobalCoin, also known as Project Libra, revealing that the project’s...

Dell Reset All Customer Passwords After Attempted Data Hack

November 29, 2018
Dell announced that it reset passwords for all accounts on its online electronics store after it stopped hackers from trying to steal customer data. Citing a source familiar with the breach,...