Financial Services Industry news and trends

Google Cloud Launches AML AI for Financial Institutions
Security & Fraud // June 21, 2023

Google Cloud has launched a new product, Anti Money Laundering AI (AML AI), which is an artificial intelligence-powered tool to help financial institutions detect money laundering, the company said Wednesday (June 21). With estimates suggesting that money laundering accounts for 2-5% of global GDP, or up to $2 trillion...

NY Cybersecurity Standards Loom, With Enterprises At The (Un)Ready?
B2B Payments // April 18, 2017

Financial firms operating in New York are facing tighter security standards. A high percentage of them are facing challenges in the scramble towards compliance, per Richard Hudson, vice president of cybersecurity at Cordium, with significant implications for enterprises and business-related payments.

Quick Reads
Tata Consultancy Services and FundingShield Collaborate Against Wire Fraud

September 05, 2023
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) and FundingShield have partnered to enhance accessibility to wire fraud prevention tools in the financial services industry. With the increasing prevalence of cybersecurity risks, lenders are placing greater emphasis on data integrity to prevent potential frauds, the companies said in a Tuesday (Sept. 5) press release. FundingShield offers an ecosystem of service provider source bank […]

Google Cloud Launches AML AI for Financial Institutions

June 21, 2023
Google Cloud has launched a new product, Anti Money Laundering AI (AML AI), which is an artificial intelligence-powered tool to help financial institutions detect money laundering, the company said Wednesday (June 21)....