Vr/page/2 news and trends

Meta Aims to Ignite Enterprise Productivity With Open Metaverse OS
Meta // April 23, 2024

Teamwork makes the dream work. And when the dream is an interoperable virtual reality (VR) world based on a proprietary operating system (OS), you are going to need a big team.  This, as on Monday (April 22) Meta announced it would be opening the operating system, Horizon...

AR and VR Have Potential to Reshape Wearable Tech Landscape
Wearables // April 22, 2024

Frequently integrated into wearable devices such as smart glasses and headsets, extended reality (XR) technology — encompassing augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR) — is unlocking new levels of immersive experiences across sectors such as healthcare, retail and beyond. Take, for instance,...

5.5G Reasons Why Meta, LG Are Teaming Up On XR Devices 
Innovation // February 28, 2024

Fundamental to the continued growth of the digital economy is the infrastructure to support it. Particularly as technologies like mixed reality (MR), virtual reality (VR), extended reality (XR) and artificial intelligence (AI) become a greater part of daily life, there will need to be equivalent...

Buying Into the Biometric Payment Opportunity in Mixed Reality
Biometrics // February 22, 2024

No single word signals the death knell of an innovation quite like the adjective “clunky.” Yet, by some accounts, that’s exactly what the user experience of the first few generations of mixed reality (MR) and virtual reality (VR) headsets has been like, with users complaining...

Interviews & Exclusives
If the Shoe Fits: Manolo Blahnik, BMW and Amazon Turn to VR

October 06, 2023
Virtual reality (VR) has emerged as a promising frontier, offering immersive experiences that can transport users to new realms. However, the question arises: should brands use VR primarily to facilitate transactions, or should they prioritize storytelling and immersion? The answer lies in understanding the unique potential of VR and its impact on building authentic connections […]

Virtual Malls Give Merchants Low-Cost Way to Reach Consumers

March 28, 2023
The metaverse is expected to open up a world of opportunities for businesses and is projected to generate up to $2.6 trillion in commerce volume by 2030, according to data...

Why the Metaverse Has a Social Engagement Problem

February 08, 2023
Sometimes the best way to introduce users to the metaverse is by completely ignoring everything we’ve heard about the metaverse. With brands including Adidas, Gucci and Warner Music, to name...

Verizon, Mastercard Use 5G To Reimagine Point Of Sale

July 21, 2021
Standing in line, waiting for the point of sale to open up, getting ready to swipe the card … feels so yesterday. Pre-pandemic, in fact. Joel Henckel, senior vice president,...

Quick Reads
Report: 52% of Vision Pro Apps Are Paid Downloads

February 12, 2024
New research shows that more than half of apps on Apple’s Vision Pro are paid downloads. As Techcrunch noted in a Monday (Feb. 12) report, that figure — 52% to be exact — dwarfs activity on the larger Apple App Store, where just 5% of apps monetize in that fashion. The report cited data from app intelligence firm […]

Apple’s Vision Pro Headset to Launch With 600 New Apps

February 01, 2024
Apple’s first mixed-reality headset, Vision Pro, is set to be released Friday (Feb. 2) and will launch with 600 new apps and games. “Apple Vision Pro is unlocking the imaginations...

Apple Plans to Launch Vision Pro Mixed-Reality Headset by February 

December 20, 2023
Apple is reportedly preparing to launch its Vision Pro mixed-reality headset by February.  The company has been increasing production of the headset at its facilities in China, with the aim of having units...

Google, Meta, Apple Receive FCC Approval to Tap Into Airwaves for VR and AR

October 19, 2023
Google, Meta and Apple have received approval from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to use airwaves for their virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) tools. This decision marks a milestone for the development and...