Grocery shoppers are shifting to eCommerce channels, but their reasons vary by generation, PYMNTS research reveals.
For PYMNTS’ recent study “Changes in Grocery Shopping Habits and Perception,” we surveyed more than 2,400 U.S. consumers in late December to explore the concerns impacting grocery purchasing behaviors and the factors that are motivating these changes. What we found reveals that, while many consumers are increasingly turning to digital channels to get their groceries, their reasons may depend on when they were born.
Overall, the most common reason that consumers are opting out of shopping in physical grocery stores is that they are looking for a more convenient option. This demand for convenience is especially pronounced in younger generations.
Forty-five percent of Gen Z consumers, 42% of millennials and 44% of bridge millennials cited convenience as the most influential factor driving their decision to purchase fewer products from grocery stores and more products online. Meanwhile, only 31% of baby boomers and seniors and 35% of Gen X consumers said the same.
Older generations, however, are more motivated by financial factors. Thirty-eight percent of baby boomers and seniors and 36% of Gen X consumers cited high prices or the lack of benefits or deals in physical stores as the number one factor driving them to purchase more products via eCommerce channels. In contrast, only 14% of Gen Z consumers, 24% of millennials and 27% of bridge millennials said the same.
Plus, these are not the only factors driving consumers to purchase more of their day-to-day products via eCommerce channels rather than at physical stores. For instance, 12% to 15% of consumers across generations opt for digital channels because they are seeking a wider selection of products or brands. Plus, more than 1 in 10 Gen Z consumers do so because shopping online reduces their risk of buying items they do not need.
Moreover, a handful of consumers across generations continues to be motivated to purchase online by contagion concerns, opting for the safety of shopping from their own homes.