Matt Renfro news and trends

Digital Platforms Close the Gap Between Financial Health and a Healthy Consumer
Healthcare // May 19, 2023

Despite decades of innovation and legislation, navigating the health plan maze and then figuring out how to pay for the care we need has gotten more labyrinthine and more expensive, not less. Digital platform solutions are available to help workers manage care and costs and...

Why It’s Time for the Connected Healthcare Wallet
Mobile Wallets // November 04, 2022

Administrations come and go promising healthcare reform, but it’s nimble and creative FinTechs that are making it happen, creating connected digital ecosystems that add value to healthcare programs with unified loyalty, incentive and financing options suited to today’s demands. Speaking with PYMNTS’ Karen Webster for...

Interviews & Exclusives
Healthcare Providers Challenged to Improve Digital Experience as Baby Boomers and Seniors Go Online

June 08, 2023
The image of a tech-averse older consumer not understanding or being interested in using digital tools to manage their healthcare is a relic of the pre-pandemic era. The baby boomers and seniors aging into Medicare today have seen the light — it’s on their device screens. As thousands of Americans age into Medicare daily, new […]

Digital Platforms Close the Gap Between Financial Health and a Healthy Consumer

May 19, 2023
Despite decades of innovation and legislation, navigating the health plan maze and then figuring out how to pay for the care we need has gotten more labyrinthine and more expensive,...

Why It’s Time for the Connected Healthcare Wallet

November 04, 2022
Administrations come and go promising healthcare reform, but it’s nimble and creative FinTechs that are making it happen, creating connected digital ecosystems that add value to healthcare programs with unified...