Tough Questions news and trends

Digital Platforms Close the Gap Between Financial Health and a Healthy Consumer
Healthcare // May 19, 2023

Despite decades of innovation and legislation, navigating the health plan maze and then figuring out how to pay for the care we need has gotten more labyrinthine and more expensive, not less. Digital platform solutions are available to help workers manage care and costs and...

Interviews & Exclusives
Digital Solutions Help Corporates Master Spend Management Chaos

August 23, 2023
Business-to-business (B2B) transactions remain mired in a paper-based world where finance teams have their hands full.  Quite literally — after all, paper checks and physical invoices won’t send themselves.  That’s why PYMNTS sat down with Aaron Bright, new business development at Galileo, Karandeep Anand, chief product officer at Brex, and Herman Man, CPO at Bluevine, to […]

Digital Platforms Close the Gap Between Financial Health and a Healthy Consumer

May 19, 2023
Despite decades of innovation and legislation, navigating the health plan maze and then figuring out how to pay for the care we need has gotten more labyrinthine and more expensive,...