Rs2 Software news and trends

How ISVs Can Use Data To Fast Track Merchant Value
Data // April 23, 2020

Can software providers — independent software vendors (ISVs) and payment facilitators (PayFacs) among them — help their merchant clients pivot as they scramble to reinvent themselves amid the continuing coronavirus pandemic? In an interview with PYMNTS, RS2 Software Chief Commercial Officer Bjorn Ovick said ISVs...

APIs, ISVs And The End Of Business As Usual
API // April 15, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has exposed vulnerabilities across doing business as usual, as the nature of commerce and how we pay has changed on a dime, moving online with breathtaking speed. To that end, said Daniela Mielke, CEO at RS2 Software, in an interview with Karen...

ISVs Help Merchants Make The Digital Pandemic Pivot — With Data
Merchant Innovation // April 09, 2020

To paraphrase Winston Churchill, when you find yourself going through tough times, keep going. The current coronavirus pandemic seems interminable. The loss of life and the economic toll continue to mount. And across any number of verticals, merchants are struggling with sudden and steep drop-offs...

How PayFacs And ISVs Can Survive (And Thrive) In Uncertain Times
Payment Methods // March 20, 2020

The impact of COVID-19 will likely be felt over months and years, altering the business landscape in ways yet imagined. And for the payment facilitators (PayFacs) and independent software vendors (ISVs) that serve merchants through software and services that help those firms to accept payments,...

Interviews & Exclusives
ISVs Must Get Merchants To ‘Virtual’ Points Of Interaction (And Payments)

April 30, 2020
Against the larger backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic, shelter-in-place orders and shuttering of businesses, people have been staying at home. Because of this, Bjorn Ovick, chief commercial officer at RS2 Software, told PYMNTS that merchants across all manner of verticals are shifting to a direct-to-consumer (D2C) model. You might call it the great pivot. “There’s […]

How ISVs Can Use Data To Fast Track Merchant Value

April 23, 2020
Can software providers — independent software vendors (ISVs) and payment facilitators (PayFacs) among them — help their merchant clients pivot as they scramble to reinvent themselves amid the continuing coronavirus...

APIs, ISVs And The End Of Business As Usual

April 15, 2020
The coronavirus pandemic has exposed vulnerabilities across doing business as usual, as the nature of commerce and how we pay has changed on a dime, moving online with breathtaking speed....

ISVs Help Merchants Make The Digital Pandemic Pivot — With Data

April 09, 2020
To paraphrase Winston Churchill, when you find yourself going through tough times, keep going. The current coronavirus pandemic seems interminable. The loss of life and the economic toll continue to...

Quick Reads
Cross River And Cloud Payment Co RS2 Form Digital Banking Partnership

April 30, 2019
Cross River Bank, a company that provides banking services for FinTechs, has partnered with payments processor and tech provider RS2 Software to provide an improved payment and digital banking experience for its customers, the companies announced. “Cross River and RS2 understand that technology innovators demand regulated, secure payment solutions that address dynamic, ongoing changes in […]