OK, this is about to get meta.
Two hundred and thirty four million passengers — and that’s on the U.S. airlines alone. The summer’s a long and hot one for airlines and passengers alike, especially when delays and other complications set in. How to get paid for (wasted) time? Many passengers don’t...
Developers platforms have quickly gone from being cutting edge to being something like table stakes for serious financial technology players, as Karen Webster observed in a recent conversation with Vantiv’s Head of Developer Integration’s Matt Ozvat — “it feels a bit like everyone out there has their...
Can bricks-and-mortar survive the eCommerce onslaught? In an interview with PYMNTS’ Karen Webster, Dave Barrowman, who serves as Vice President of Innovation at Skava, said that in the physical retail space, the death of physical retail remains greatly exaggerated. With some ingenuity and attention to...
August 09, 2017
Talking to Karen Webster earlier this summer, Mobike’s Head of International Expansion, Florian Bohnert, said that bikes are a winning strategy for consumers nearly worldwide — and dockless is the wave of the future.
August 01, 2017
OK, this is about to get meta.
July 31, 2017
Two hundred and thirty four million passengers — and that’s on the U.S. airlines alone. The summer’s a long and hot one for airlines and passengers alike, especially when delays...
July 26, 2017
Developers platforms have quickly gone from being cutting edge to being something like table stakes for serious financial technology players, as Karen Webster observed in a recent conversation with Vantiv’s...
March 30, 2016
Does SoundCloud want to be more like Spotify or more like Apple Music? According to a story in The New York Times, the online audio distribution platform would actually like to outdo both, as SoundCloud‘s long-awaited subscription plan — which launched yesterday (March 29) — is coming out of the gate with a wider range of music than […]