Though not widely known (because we’re making it up), cryptocurrencies were created on the planet Krypton, with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal money.
Seriously though, something “super” is happening with the latest Provider Ranking of Cryptocurrency Apps. This one is known for lots of tied scores and heated competition, but the current update is a riot of changing chart positions and thought-provoking dead-heats.
Perhaps it would be best if we got right to it and cut all this crypto chat.
The Top 5
The tie for first place extends into yet another cycle as the trio of Binance, Coinbase and congregate at the very top of the charts, all sharing that coveted No. 1 spot.
Not voyaging at all is the Voyager app, staying put at No. 2.
We find a more interesting tie at No. 3, as the Blockchain Wallet is now joined by KuCoin which is up two spots.
Entering the Top 5 at No. 4 this cycle is the Huobi app on a gain of two chart positions. Nice.
Then there’s No. 5 itself, which this cycle is taken up by a tie between the Gemini app dropping one spot, and the BitMart app, up an impressive three chart positions to enter the Top 5.
It’s getting crowded in the Top 5 solarium. Maybe some of you can hang out in the VIP lounge?
The Top 10
Rising two spots like some mythical sea beastie we’ve got the Kraken Pro app at No. 6.
Time for another tied score, this one at No. 7, as OKEx levitates three chart positions in one cycle, with CEX.IO up two spots to join that party. What fun we do have around here.
At No. 8 we’ve got the BlockFi app, down a spot but staying in the Top 10. Huzzah.
Reentering the Provider Ranking of Cryptocurrency Apps at No. 9 after an absence it’s the popular Bitpay app, which likes to dip in and out. No doubt a clever strategy at work.
Finishing the Top 10 at No. 10 this cycle it’s the Abra app. That’s something to celebrate.
In fact, we think all the crypto apps should take a bow. It’s been a wild ride this year for these apps and exchanges, and they’re riding it out like payments pros. All we can say is … respect.