By now you may have heard Citi’s announcement to implement the MasterCard inControl service. This has created quiet the buzz around the industry, David Evans recently linked inControl to his continued study of behavioral economics while internally at Citi, EVP of Citi Cards, Ed Garofalo was quoted:
“The service will be available to cardholders of participating Citi MasterCard credit cards in late 2010.”
“Citi is committed to providing greater choice and control to our customers, making their lives easier, and helping them better manage their money consistent with the principles of Responsible Finance.”
“We believe that MasterCard inControl will help enhance our cardholders’ experience, through increased transparency, greater spending confidence, and more secure and efficient financial management.”
“Offering customers more choice and control over their finances is a key part of our strategy and we see this as a great addition to the tools we already offer, including our online and mobile banking services, text banking and alerts, and automatic payments.”
Citi to Implement MasterCard inControl
Is Behavioral Economics In-Control?
Product Profiel: MasterCard inControl