Labor Day news and trends

Labor Day Weekend 2020: Where The Kentucky Derby, Dragon Con And Burning Man Go Virtual
Innovation // September 05, 2020

Every year, Americans cap off the summer with a collective mini-vacation called Labor Day — an event marked with barbecues, trips to the beach, catching a ballgame and pretty much doing as little labor as humanly possible. It’s something of a unique entity, insofar as it’s...

Driving, Grilling And Surfing (For Deals) — Labor Day Weekend’s On
Retail // September 01, 2018

The unofficial end of summer is upon us. But before everyone can contentedly begin sipping their pumpkin spice latte and start Christmas shopping without embarrassment, there is the last official celebration of summer, Labor Day. Some will cook out, some will go to parades or the...

Chinese Millennials Drive Spike In Overseas Alipay Use This May Day
Payment Methods // May 03, 2018

There’s nothing like a holiday to get people spending — and it’s not just Christmas and Hanukkah. In America, holidays like Halloween, Father’s Day and Mother’s Day, Easter and Valentine’s Day can really get the funds flowing. Consumers also drop big dollars on travel and...

Labor Day Edition — American Express, Pizza Wars And Wells Fargo
Data Dive // September 04, 2017

Today, nationwide, Americans are celebrating the joys of hard work and earning an honest day’s living by sleeping late, going one last time to the beach and soaking up the last of the 75 percent off Labor Day sales instead of going to work. It’s good to take...

Interviews & Exclusives
Labor Day Edition — American Express, Pizza Wars And Wells Fargo

September 04, 2017
Today, nationwide, Americans are celebrating the joys of hard work and earning an honest day’s living by sleeping late, going one last time to the beach and soaking up the last of the 75 percent off Labor Day sales instead of going to work. It’s good to take one day a year to remind ourselves that perhaps the greatest joy […]

Merchants Gear Up To Take On Fall

September 05, 2016
It’s that time of year again — kids are heading back to school, the nights are getting cooler and there’s pumpkin spice everything, everywhere. It’s true, summer is over. But...

Quick Reads
Chinese Millennials Drive Spike In Overseas Alipay Use This May Day

May 03, 2018
There’s nothing like a holiday to get people spending — and it’s not just Christmas and Hanukkah. In America, holidays like Halloween, Father’s Day and Mother’s Day, Easter and Valentine’s Day can really get the funds flowing. Consumers also drop big dollars on travel and shopping over Memorial and Labor Day weekends, and merchants encourage […]