Software Development Kit news and trends

The Start-Up Secret Sauce
Startup Roundup // August 25, 2017

For all the wonderful things to be said for entrepreneurship, there remains this fact: It is extremely hard work that carries with it no guarantee of reward past a useful education in failure. Great American inventor Thomas Edison famously responded to claims of his light...

Interviews & Exclusives
The Start-Up Secret Sauce

August 25, 2017
For all the wonderful things to be said for entrepreneurship, there remains this fact: It is extremely hard work that carries with it no guarantee of reward past a useful education in failure. Great American inventor Thomas Edison famously responded to claims of his light bulb invention failures, “I have not failed. I’ve just found […]

Quick Reads
TPA Stream Introduces Consolidated Invoicing Solution for Third-Party Administrators

October 31, 2023
TPA Stream, an insurance technology software company, has introduced a consolidated invoicing product for third-party administrators (TPAs). This solution allows administrators to generate a single invoice for all the services they provide, including CDH/COBRA administration, transit, cafeteria plans, medical premiums and retirement benefits fees, TPA Stream said in a Tuesday (Oct. 31) press release. A key […]