Startup Roundup news and trends

Startup Roundup: The Power Of Relationships
Startup Roundup // July 31, 2018

Business is often about cultivating relationships – and partnering with the right people at the right time – while offering the right product for a particular market. This month, startups such as Tipalti have brought on three partners to extend value to its clients, while startups...

Emailage: Prudent Fraud Prevention Is Key To Canadian FinTech Startups
Startup Check-In // July 10, 2018

Emailage, the online fraud prevention startup that uses email addresses to assess risk, is expanding its operations in the Canadian market. The company recently brought Julien Phipps onboard as a senior business development director. Phipps said that the expansion is “an opportunity for us to...

Startup Roundup: Letting The Machines Do Their Thing
Startup Roundup // May 31, 2018

Robots aren’t going to take over every human job, but they are certainly changing what types of jobs humans need to do, as well as how those jobs get done. The future won’t be “man versus machine” (or, as science fiction has taught many to...

Startup Roundup: New Innovations In Bloom
Startup Roundup // May 01, 2018

Sometimes, being a startup is about fixing the problem no one else will fix. Other times, it’s about improving on existing solutions to make something even better. Here’s what’s been happening in the startup world this month. Tipalti Following the receipt of its NetSuite certification,...

Interviews & Exclusives
Startup Roundup: The Power Of Relationships

July 31, 2018
Business is often about cultivating relationships – and partnering with the right people at the right time – while offering the right product for a particular market. This month, startups such as Tipalti have brought on three partners to extend value to its clients, while startups such as AvidXchange are deepening their existing relationships. At the […]

Startup Roundup: Letting The Machines Do Their Thing

May 31, 2018
Robots aren’t going to take over every human job, but they are certainly changing what types of jobs humans need to do, as well as how those jobs get done....

Startup Roundup: New Innovations In Bloom

May 01, 2018
Sometimes, being a startup is about fixing the problem no one else will fix. Other times, it’s about improving on existing solutions to make something even better. Here’s what’s been...

Startup Roundup: The Name Of The Game Is Speed

October 06, 2017
While all startups are doing their own thing and trying to solve different problems, many of those problems boil down to the same core issue: From onboarding to payouts and...