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PYMNTS Intelligence

PYMNTS Intelligence: Healthcare Payment Platforms Increase Customer Satisfaction While Reducing Costs
PYMNTS Intelligence: Healthcare Payment Platforms Increase Customer Satisfaction While Reducing Costs
June 23, 2023  |  Healthcare

Healthcare companies stand to benefit from the adoption of modern payment methods and digital platforms, whether for payments or for disbursements. Although this process is...

PYMNTS Intelligence: Leveraging Real-Time Payments to Aid SMBs’ Cash Flow
PYMNTS Intelligence: Leveraging Real-Time Payments to Aid SMBs’ Cash Flow
June 22, 2023  |  Real-Time Payments

With 9 in 10 SMBs receiving late payments and half now considered financially unhealthy, it’s not surprising that half are also eager to adopt real-time...

PYMNTS Intelligence: The Value of Vaults to Merchants
PYMNTS Intelligence: The Value of Vaults to Merchants
June 20, 2023  |  Payments Innovation

One of the biggest pain points for both consumers and merchants is expired payment credentials. With card life-cycle management solutions, vaults can ease that pain...

PYMNTS Intelligence: Leveraging Real-Time Payments to Help Paycheck-to-Paycheck Households
PYMNTS Intelligence: Leveraging Real-Time Payments to Help Paycheck-to-Paycheck Households
June 15, 2023  |  Real-Time Payments

As inflation grows faster than most wages, an increasing number of households are living paycheck to paycheck, having just enough money to make it to...

PYMNTS Intelligence: Technology Is Key to Meeting Younger Members’ Expectations
PYMNTS Intelligence: Technology Is Key to Meeting Younger Members’ Expectations
June 13, 2023  |  Credit Unions

Credit unions are meeting the needs of members, especially younger ones, by leveraging technology and an array of modern tools. These efforts have been strikingly...

PYMNTS Intelligence: Impending Open Banking Rules Make Bank-FinTech Collaboration a Must
PYMNTS Intelligence: Impending Open Banking Rules Make Bank-FinTech Collaboration a Must
June 06, 2023  |  Banking

Banks’ and FinTechs’ pursuit of collaboration in recent years is an especially positive development, given that United States regulation around open banking likely will make...

PYMNTS Intelligence: Eliminating B2B Payments Pain Points
PYMNTS Intelligence: Eliminating B2B Payments Pain Points
June 02, 2023  |  Innovation

While buyers and suppliers have differing B2B payments pain points, both could benefit from platforms that improve payments transparency. Forty-seven percent of surveyed small- to...

PYMNTS Intelligence: The Best Anti-Fraud Solutions for Banks and Their Customers
PYMNTS Intelligence: The Best Anti-Fraud Solutions for Banks and Their Customers
June 01, 2023  |  Fraud Prevention

Fraud’s cost goes far beyond the actual amount stolen, with a recent study finding that every dollar lost to fraud costs FIs about $4.36 in...

PYMNTS Intelligence: How Open Banking Drives Instant Payment Implementations
PYMNTS Intelligence: How Open Banking Drives Instant Payment Implementations
May 23, 2023  |  Real-Time Payments

Instant payments are quickly growing in popularity in the United States and abroad, but their adoption has often been hampered by a need to interface...