Travel App Provider Ranking Sees Two Leaders Earn a Perfect Score

Ready for a change of scenery? The dozen apps that have earned a spot among the top 10 in PYMNTS’ latest Provider Ranking of Travel Apps can help. 

Within the ranking itself, however, there are a lot of familiar sights — all these contenders were here last month too, though there’s been some changing of seats. 

Among this month’s must-see attractions: two contenders share the No. 1 spot in the ranking, with each earning a perfect score, and one mover and shaker has added five points to its score since last time. 

The Top Five 

First up on the itinerary are the two apps tied with a score of 100. was here last month too, while Hopper has hopped up one level since then. 

Two points back and ranked second is Airbnb, which held this spot last month as well. 

Three points behind that app is Vrbo, which scores 95 and is again ranked third. 

Also maintaining its spot in the rankings is Skyscanner. This app remains at No. 4 with a score of 91. 

Falling back one level in the rankings is With a score of 85 — five points lower than last time — this app is now ranked fifth. 

The Top 10 

Also floating back one position from where it was last time is Kayak. This app now holds the sixth spot with a score of 80, four points lower than last month. 

Continuing the chain reaction to the movement above, TripAdvisor too moves down one spot. It’s now ranked seventh with a score of 76. 

Two apps share the No. 8 spot with a tie score of 75. FlightAware and have both stepped down one level from the spot they shared last time. 

PriorityPass too has moved down one level, now resting at No. 9 with a score of 72. 

Holding the final spot among the top 10, as it did last month, is AllTrails. With a score of 71, it has added five points to its score since last time, making it this month’s top mover and shaker.