Optimization news and trends

REPORT: Payments Orchestration Optimizes Digital Payments Efficiencies, Boosts ROI
Payments Innovation // October 28, 2020

Businesses across the United States likely knew they would be in for a long, uphill battle to stay afloat when they first began closing their doors in mid-March, but did not know just how long they would be dealing with the fallout from the COVID-19...

Rebuilding Document Authentication For A Faster-Paced Planet
Authentication // February 18, 2020

Technology tends come with much advanced promotion — for the good reason that the more novel an idea, the more time needs to be spent building excitement for something that is, at base, unknown. Yet, of course, once excitement has been built, the challenge is matching...

The Build-Versus-Buy Conundrum In Supply Chain Digitization
B2B Payments // February 12, 2020

Organizations embracing digitization have an important decision to make before they ever invest in a technology: Should they purchase out-of-the-box solutions or build their own? Historically, this has only been a conundrum for the largest of enterprises, which could not only afford to invest in...

Deep Dive: Optimizing Subscriptions In The Sharing Economy
Subscription Commerce // February 10, 2020

The sharing economy has rapidly expanded in the U.S., but even the most popular innovations fall out of favor if they do not keep customers satisfied. The market’s players have taken this to heart, tapping subscription-based strategies to solidify customer loyalty, boost revenues and maintain...

Interviews & Exclusives
NEW REPORT: SMBs Balance Buyer and Supplier Needs With Payments Platforms

June 08, 2022
Small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) face numerous obstacles to sustainable business growth, not the least of which is managing payments. For many growing buyers and suppliers, the timing of payments — when they are sent and when they are received — is key to long-term business planning and, ultimately, a successful growth strategy. Yet there […]

Rebuilding Document Authentication For A Faster-Paced Planet

February 18, 2020
Technology tends come with much advanced promotion — for the good reason that the more novel an idea, the more time needs to be spent building excitement for something that...

NEW DATA: 14 Ways To Improve Mobile Checkout Conversion

November 19, 2018
Smartphones are now more ubiquitous than laptops and desktops. As many as 86 percent of modern consumers own a smartphone, and 23 percent of them shop on their mobiles. Many...

Quick Reads
Today In Data: Downsizing Optimization

April 05, 2017
It’s just as important to know when to downsize business operations for optimization as it is to understand when to seek an expansion. Several businesses today are looking to reduce either their size, product offerings or operational costs to help round out business. Here are the numbers: $6 billion | Amount Staples’ potential deal with Office Depot blocked […]

ContentSquare Raises $20 Million In VC Funding

October 19, 2016
ContentSquare, an experience optimization platform for online and mobile businesses, announced Tuesday (Oct. 18) the completion of $20 million in Series B funding. The capital investment by Highland Europe will...